Hospice Pin Board


Welcome to the September edition of the Pin Board!

What's happening at LOROS?

International Lottery Day celebrations

Polytunnel volunteers spotlight

Strictly LOROS

Will writing clinics

Thank you and goodbye from Liz

The Big Day Out

Run Leicester Festival

For you


Unicorn update

Bag packing

Rainbows and LOROS joint training

East Midlands Palliative Care Audit & Research

Updated policies and guidelines


Business Continuity Plan


Data Protection Information Sharing


The collection, handling and transport of specimens

Stamp and foreign coins collection bins

Please keep an eye out for the ‘stamp and foreign coins collection bins’ in finance and reception of the Hospice. Please could you all consider cutting used stamps off envelopes and put them in the bins. These can be baged up to raise a little bit more income. Also, any spare foreign currency can be added if put in plastic bags separately.

Dates and deadlines

The dates and deadlines for the remaining 2023 Hospice Pin Boards are below. If you have anything in the pipeline then let us know – it’s never too early to give me the heads up!


Content deadline

Publish date

October 2023

Wednesday 27th September 2023

Monday 2nd October 2023

November 2023

Wednesday 1st November 2023

Monday 6th November 2023

December 2023

Wednesday 29th November 2023

Monday 4th December 2023

Consent terms and conditions

If you are submitting an article and/or photograph, you are responsible for ensuring that everyone identified in the article (i.e. recognisably photographed or mentioned) are aware that it will be published in the newsletter and on staff intranet pages. A marketing consent form must be obtained from each identified individual and passed to the marketing team in advance of publication – we cannot publish any article without full individual consent. Copies of consent forms can be obtained from the marketing team or by following this link to fill it in online.

Articles published on the intranet are on hidden pages with access promoted to staff, volunteers and trustees only. Although the pages are hidden, they are not password controlled, and therefore may be findable/searchable on the internet. If you would like to opt-out of having your name or photograph published on the intranet, please let us know at marketing@loros.co.uk.

Thank you for your understanding.

LOROS, Groby Road, Leicester LE3 9QE
Fundraising Regulator