Health and wellbeing

Welcome to Wellbeing at LOROS. Wellbeing is prioritised because happy healthy workplaces help us reach our potential. We have a dedicated wellbeing strategy for staff and volunteers and are constantly updating the support that is available to you see the 6 zones below.

If you need more direct support please speak to your line manager or email: 

Physical Health & Diet

Connections & Community

  • Awareness days

  • Diversity and wellbeing calendar

  • Job shadow guidelines

  • Shine a light recognition programme

  • Volunteering opportunities

Financial Wellbeing

Work-Life Balance

Awareness days calendar

Self-care and Mindfulness recordings

People Passion Purpose sessions

Director of Public Health, Professor Ivan Browne

In October 2022 we welcomed Leicester’s Director of Public Health, Professor Ivan Browne, to the Hospice. He gave a fascinating insight into the diverse, multicultural city that Leicester is. Did you know Narborough Road is the most multicultural street in the UK? More than 100 languages are spoken in the city with around 240 different faiths. Professor Browne also outlined the huge impact that COVID had on the city, but how it has acted as a catalyst for better sharing of health information since.

LOROS, Groby Road, Leicester LE3 9QE
Fundraising Regulator