Jumping in the LOROS skydive in-memory of Grandad - Ellie's story

Fundraising Events

23 May 2022

Ellie, a member of our Marketing team at LOROS, will be taking the leap of a lifetime on Sunday 11th September for LOROS Hospice in memory of her Grandad, Harry Thornton. Harry was a patient at LOROS following a mesothelioma cancer diagnosis in late 2005. The cancer was aggressive and Harry died in August 2006. Here is Ellie’s story about her family’s fond memories of her Grandad.

“Grandad was a true family man. He absolutely adored my sister, Mollie, and me and would hold us for hours as babies in absolute awe. I remember asking him how much he loved me and he would always respond with ‘all of the sugar in the world’.

“He was one of the funniest people we knew, always smiling and laughing and every Friday he would be in the Citizens Club with a drink in his hand. He could out drink anyone! Following their retirement, Grandad and my Nan, Valerie, moved to Spain and we would visit in the summer holidays. I have such fond memories of this time.

“In 2005, Harry quickly became poorly and was told that he had an infection caused by diabetes. Following months of hospitals and appointments at the doctors trying to locate the true cause of his illness, Harry was diagnosed with mesothelioma. Major surgery and radiotherapy followed but his condition deteriorated and he found difficulty breathing.

“LOROS were incredible in explaining things to my family. We later found that the cancer was in his bloodstream and terminal. Grandad was admitted to LOROS in July 2006 and my family were relieved to find that the care was outstanding. Grandad’s stay at LOROS was short and he died on 1st August 2006, 41 years and 1 day after my Grandparents’ wedding anniversary.

“My family cannot praise LOROS enough for the incredible compassion for my Grandad. It was the little things at LOROS that made the difference for him. LOROS provided Grandad with such comfort in his last few days and made him feel as at home and pain-free as they possibly could. It was important to him to look presentable, and they helped him to get dressed and change his clothes. They respected my Grandad right until the end.

“My first personal experience of LOROS was the last time that I saw my Grandad. Mollie and I sat in the gardens watching the ducks and I fell asleep on the benches (I was only six at the time). LOROS had such a caring feel to it, an impression I still get to this day when I am at work. Seeing the gardens on my first day at LOROS, 15 years after Grandad's death, hit me hard. However, it was also a reminder of what an incredible and supportive place LOROS is. I hope he is proud of me as I jump in memory of the best Grandad I ever could have wished for.”

Could you jump out of a plane in-memory of a loved one or in support of your local Hospice? On Sunday 11th September, you could find yourself soaring through the clouds from heights of over 13,000 feet and at speeds of over 140mph. Find out more and sign up today here.

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LOROS, Groby Road, Leicester LE3 9QE
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