Patient information leaflets

Download leaflets about our services and factsheets which have been produced with guidance from healthcare professionals. Please ensure that you discuss the anticipatory or 'just in case' medicines leaflet with a relevant Health Care Professional.

Research Newsletter

Patient information: About LOROS [Easy Read]

Research Newsletter

Patient information: Welcome to Outpatients

Research Newsletter

Keeping injectable medicines at home

Research Newsletter

Patient information: Coming to stay on the ward

Research Newsletter

Patient information: How can I help with research at LOROS

Research Newsletter

Patient information: MND

Research Newsletter

Wellbeing hub

Research Newsletter

Patient information: Welcome to Day Therapy

Research Newsletter

Patient information: Social work

Research Newsletter

Patient information: Lymphoedema service

Research Newsletter

Patient information: Integrated community specialist palliative care team (ICSPCT)

Research Newsletter

Patient information: Complementary Therapy

LOROS, Groby Road, Leicester LE3 9QE
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