Volunteer news- February 2025

Welcome to February! A big thank you to all our volunteers that have battled the storms, wind and icy cold conditions to continue to support us in the shops, Hospice and out in the community.

News for you 

  • LOROS assisted dying position and your feedback   

  • Pizza and samosas for LOROS 

  • A social events group for you 

  • Refresher training for all volunteers

  • Voluntine’s Day 

  • Dates for your diary  

LOROS assisted dying position and your feedback

Late last year we saw the assisted dying debate happening in parliament and rippling through to communities. Understandably, our volunteer workforce wanted to voice their views and thoughts and learn more about our position as a charity providing palliative and end of life care to patients. To understand more about LOROS' position, follow the link below.

We would also like to invite you to talk about any concerns or thoughts you have by attending our next coffee with Rob session on 30th April at 10.30am in Seminar Room 1.  

If you are interested in attending this session please get in touch with us at info@loros.co.uk 

Pizza and samosas for LOROS

Thank you to Kishor Mistry, one of our Ambassadors for LOROS. Our staff and patients received a tasty donation of samosas and pizza over Christmas, this was kindly donated by Hum Sath Sewa Leicester team and local sponsors. 

Social events group for you

With over 1000 volunteers at LOROS, it’s sometimes difficult to organise opportunities for you to come together, to socialise and celebrate each other’s achievements. We had some wonderful feedback from you in our volunteer survey to say that you would like to help plan events and we would love to hear from you. 

Our first planning meeting will be on Thursday 27th February between 11am and 1pm 

Please email us at volunteers@loros.co.uk if you would like to attend.

Voluntine's Day

It’s not a spelling error! We would like to say a big love heart thank you to all our volunteers, your hearts light up all people you come into contact with. It’s a special kind of person that gives to charity like you do, so Happy Voluntine’s day from everyone here at LOROS.  

If there is a heartfelt volunteering story you would like to share, please get in touch with our volunteering team and we would love to share it with everyone!  

Dates for your diary

Coffee with Rob sessions

30th April 2025


Seminar Room 1 (An opportunity to discuss the assisting dying position)

28th July 2025


Gawande, Centre for Excellence

28th October 2025


Gawande, Centre for Excellence

Don't forget the volunteer socials forum on 27th February, 11am-1pm.

LOROS, Groby Road, Leicester LE3 9QE
Fundraising Regulator