Over the past 22 years we know LOROS Lottery players have joined for all sorts of reasons but playing in memory of a loved one is why 75% of you join the LOROS Lottery. Tom, a LOROS Lottery player from Narborough told us why he decided to play.
LOROS Hospice, in partnership with Leicester’s Hospitals, is today announcing an important new research study into how health professionals can improve the care for people from Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic (BAME) communities at the end of life.
Over the past 22 years we know LOROS Lottery players have joined for all sorts of reasons but playing in memory of a loved one is why 75% of you join the LOROS Lottery.
The match, which was a thrilling one night only event, took place at Knighton Park Table Tennis Club, Leicester and raised an amazing £2,000 from entry fees and a sell-out raffle.
Early bird tickets at a bargain price for LOROS Hospice’s conference Getting it Right for Patients will come to an end on Sunday 16th September.
LOROS Hospice smashed their fundraising target and raised more than £12,000 at a summer garden party sponsored by Leicester-based Westerby Group.
Did you know LOROS Hospice has a craft and haberdashery shop in Loughborough? The shop which is located on Biggin Street is a treasure trove of crafty collections including patterns, quality wools and fabrics.
LOROS is once again holding its hugely successful annual Big Day Out on Saturday 13th October and is inviting all its friends and supporters to come along.