The latest news from LOROS Hospice


Keep up to date with all the latest news from LOROS


1st April

“We’re here for our patients and families”: LOROS marks Hospice Care Week 2020 by shining a light on patient care

LOROS Hospice nurses and doctors are here every day making a difference, despite the lockdown restrictions that have affected Leicester for more than six months.


29th March

LOROS staff to brave skydive and raise vital funds for Hospice

This May, a team of 20 brave LOROS staff and trustees are taking part in a Skydive to raise vital funds for the Hospice.


24th March

BBC East Midlands Today Presenter Anne Davies’ fashion collection to go up for sale in online charity auction

LOROS are holding a celebrity fashion auction this April following a huge donation for Patron and BBC East Midlands Presenter, Anne Davies.


12th March

LOROS Thanksgiving service to stream on Mother's Day

The next LOROS Thanksgiving and Remembrance service will be live on the charity’s YouTube and Facebook pages, on Mother's Day, Sunday 14th March at 7pm.


3rd March

LOROS Ward nurses receive award for exceptional care

The entire team of Ward nurses at LOROS Hospice have been awarded a prestigious Cavell Star for their exceptional care of patients during the Covid crisis.

Raffle Winner Stories

21st December


I wanted to support the winter raffle 2020 not only due to the pandemic, but because I know how well LOROS care for people.


17th October

Harborough businesswoman conquers her fear of heights to abseil down an 80ft bridge in memory of her beloved mum

Market Harborough businesswoman, Jen Parker, has conquered her fear of heights to abseil down an 80ft bridge to raise funds for LOROS in memory of her beloved mum.


5th October

“We’re here for our patients and families”: LOROS marks Hospice Care Week 2020 by shining a light on patient care

LOROS Hospice nurses and doctors are here every day making a difference, despite the lockdown restrictions that have affected Leicester for more than six months.

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LOROS, Groby Road, Leicester LE3 9QE
Fundraising Regulator